Commentaries Click on a title to read my commentaries. -2014: Part Deux -Almost Famous: Still Happening, 20 Years Later -Always: A Renewed Appreciation -Avengers Counter-Programming -Corona Binge Essentials -Corona Comfort Movies -Harrison Ford -Isolation Double-Features -My Belated Barbie Thoughts -My Letter to the Academy -Nicolas Hoult: An Appreciation -Random Thoughts–October 2011 -The Case for Binging -The Power of the Press -Why I Love/Hate the Oscars -Why the Oscars Are Good -When “cream of the crop” meant something -The Joy of Filmspotting -Paul Newman 1925-2008 -Whatever Happened to the Music? -The movie that changed my life -Who wasted their Oscar most? -Oscar’s Worst -2005 Post-Oscar Rant -Don’t let life pass you by -Slumber 2000