PARAMOUNT+ Comedy Series

4 seasons / 39 episodes (so far)
Paramount+ has resurrected this brilliant sketch comedy show which originated on Comedy Central and ran for four seasons from 2013 to 2016. Despite being better-known for her standup and her movies, Schumer is at her best in these sketches that are brilliantly written, buoyed by clever premises and a who’s-who of guest stars and cameos. No matter how you feel about her comedy in particular, give this one a try, as it is some of the best sketch comedy I’ve seen, often as poignant, daring, relevant and satirical as it is hilarious. New episodes are dropping in October, 2022.

RENO 911! (2003)
8 seasons / 124 episodes (so far)
I would call this show one of my guilty pleasures, but I don’t feel guilty at all about loving this parody of reality police shows that follows a ragtag bunch of bumbling members of the Reno, Nevada Sherriff’s department as they attempt to protect and serve. An ensemble of comic geniuses, headed by Thomas Lennon, will make your sides split with their mostly-improvised antics and spot-on parody. There are a ton of guest stars and pratfalls galore, on top of the pure, unadulterated comedy. Trust me.